Welcome to the official webpage of Kotokami®LLC, a company engaged in the food, crafts and media industries.
Kotokami® is an anagram for “Tokki” (토끼), Korean for Rabbit, and “Mao” (猫), Chinese for Cat. It is a reference to the nicknames of the company’s founders Grace (the rabbit) and James (the cat). Kotokami® can further be extrapolated to “Koyangi-Tokki-Kami” (고양이-토끼-神), symbolizing a blessing from cats and rabbits.
We invite you to visit our food and craft blog holdings, Everybunny Eats and Everybunny Crafts
For media inquiries, recipe development and testing, menu development, facilitating classes, or information about our services or anything else, please contact us.
Everybunny Eats Feed
Bibimbap (비빔밥) – Seasoned Vegetable and Beef Rice Bowl
I grew up eating Bibimbap at home. My mom made a bunch of side dishes and we assembled our rice bowls in whatever... Read MoreHēi Zhīma Tāngyuán (黑芝麻湯圓) – Black Sesame Rice Balls in Ginger and Osmanthus Syrup
Over the course of almost two decades of knowing my husband, we would always buy tāngyuán from our local Asian... Read MoreHēi Zhīma Huāshēng Xiàn (黑芝麻花生馅) – Black Sesame Peanut Filling for Confections
With Lunar New Year celebrations around the corner, we decided to make some sesame peanut filling to fill rice... Read MoreThanksgiving Visit to Portland – Part Two
My Thanksgiving visit was filled with outings, despite having a horrible cough. I tried to keep my spirits up... Read MoreThanksgiving Visit to Portland – Part One
I spent Thanksgiving in Portland with my mom and sister, and we explored the city by eating and doing eating-related... Read MoreSahawiq Akhdar (Zhug) – Yemeni Green Hot Sauce
Zhug (Israel: zhoug, zkhug, s’hoog), also called sahawiq [(Yemen: bisbas) Arab states: daqqus], depending on... Read MoreSpicy Beer-Braised Beef with Mushrooms
Our spicy beer-braised beef came about in a spur-of-the-moment decision, when our initial idea for a special... Read MoreBái Lián Róng Yuèbǐng (白蓮蓉月餅) – White Lotus Paste Mooncakes
I never had lotus paste mooncakes until I met James. It wasn’t that I didn’t see them every year at Asian supermarkets... Read MoreHóng Dòu Shā Yuèbǐng (紅豆沙月餅) – Red Bean Paste Mooncakes
Red bean paste mooncakes are considered one of the most sought-after flavors during Mid-Autumn Festival. You’ll... Read MoreYuèbǐng Pí (月餅皮) – Mooncake Dough
It’s that time of the year again! Mooncake season!James and I try to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival every year... Read MoreSlow-Baked Korean-Style Pork Ribs
James and I wanted some pork ribs for dinner.We are constantly on the search for something different to put on... Read MoreSpinach Dip without the Mix
Much like our story about eating artichoke dip, our spinach dip was enjoyed over hours of talk about school,... Read MoreHóngshāo Qiézi (紅燒茄子) – Red-Cooked Eggplant
This is a recipe that was haunting me for years.Many years ago, we took a family trip to Glacier National Park.... Read MorePalak Paneer – Indian Spinach Dish with Fresh Cheese
That’s right! I decided to post a vegetarian version of our spinach dish, Palak Paneer, today! It’s been a family... Read MorePaneer – Fresh Cheese for Gravies and Curries
Back in March, I posted about our adventures in making Saag Gosht and knew that we had to post a vegetarian option.... Read MoreDwaejigogi Baechu Ssam (돼지고기 배추쌈) – Korean-Style Pork Cabbage Rolls
James and I love Eastern European-style cabbage rolls, and I had been tinkering around in the kitchen for awhile,... Read MoreGodeungeo Jorim (고등어 조림) – Spicy Soy-Sauce-Braised Mackerel
I ate Godeungeo Jorim regularly as a child. It was a staple in our home, probably because it was an easy dish... Read MoreSaag Gosht – Indian Spinach Dish with Meat
One of my first introductions to South Asian cuisine was saag (cooked greens), specifically palak paneer (spinach... Read MoreEverybunny Crafts Feed
Mitered Corners on Napkins
Last month, I bought some linen fabric to make pretty napkins. I wasn’t sure how I was going to finish... Read More2016 End of the Year Update
As you all can see, it’s been many months since I’ve done an update, or any sort of entry, on my... Read MoreSneak Peek: Sketching on Paper
Hi, everyone! I wanted to let people know that I’m not a one-trick pony! Just kidding! Really, though,... Read MoreKnit Bunny Toy
Before I get to the bunny toy tutorial, here’s a little story on how I began making toys.I’ve knitted... Read MoreNeedle Felted Lop Bunny
I finished making this adorable lop bunny a week after I made the black cat for my hubby. I mean, I couldn’t... Read MoreNeedle Felted Black Cat
Hey everyone! It’s been a couple of months since I made a post! I’m *so* sorry guys! I’ve been... Read MoreKnit Bunny Hat
Ever since I knit a kitty hat for my hubby last year, I’ve been wanting to knit a bunny one for myself!... Read MoreNeedle Felted Cats
This project was long overdue.My mom gifted me a needle felting kit for my birthday, and I had set it aside for... Read More